I Am Legend Wiki

Vampires are the antagonists of The Last Man on Earth. They are undead humans who were infected with and succumbed to Europe's Disease.


Vampires, as their name suggests, have characteristics very similar to those of the traditional vampire; they are repelled by garlic, and cannot stand their reflection. Vampires also can't stand sunlight, and thus during the day, they reside in deserted buildings and other shelters from daylight.

Vampires possess a craving for blood, and will resort to feeding off and killing each other when they cannot find any other victims. Physically, they're weak and slow, and are generally only dangerous in numbers. They remember how to speak verbally and use crude objects as weapons, and they can even memorise people and locations from before they were infected (though they're inadverse to attempting to feed off their former loved ones). Beyond this, vampires lack most of their other higher faculties. Robert Morgan commented vampires are physically and mentally weak like starved animals after a long famine.


Vampires besiege Morgan's home

As Europe's Disease can infect and turn both living and dead hosts, even corpses can reanimate as vampires. The only known methods of permanently killing a vampire include driving a stake through its heart, shooting it, or another vampire draining it. Vampires that were still alive when they turned can be reverted to a human state using an injection treatment (consisting of blood to feed the germ, and a vaccine to isolate it and prevent it multiplying), but need to keep re-taking this treatment to avoid reverting to their vampiric state.
